In part 14 of our Google Ads Audit tutorial series we run through Location Insights.
We'll use Data Studio Report to collect and organize the data and utilize Google Sheets/Excel and Google Slides to further analyze and pull insights.
These details can be the basis for bid adjustments, exclusions or different promotions.
1. We’ll start off going into the Location Analysis Overview report and securing the date range. I’m doing 14 days.
2. Screenshot the chart as a visual. This will be a great place to do bid adjustments, especially since we're not doing smart bidding for conversions; we're doing it from max clicks. Indiana looks particularly high.
3. Paste the data into the Analysis page.
4. Export the overview report to Google Sheets. Let’s do bid adjustments.
5. Go into the Ads Account Maintenance Checklist and click Bid adjustments, Geo-targeting.
6. For a bulk upload for locations, go into the Google UI, then Search Campaigns. Click Locations and start as narrow as possible. This is neighborhoods, which allows for a real targeted perspective.
Not a lot of data here, so I also try the city level.
Then I look at State level.
7. To do a bid adjustment, hit Edit, then Add Targets and Set Bid Adjustments.
Then change the bid adjustment to Decrease by 5 percent. Hit Apply.
8. Click Matched Locations, then click-through-rate (CTR). These are some of the States with good CTRs. This is an easy way to do the bid adjustments. We can also go into Display Campaign. I’m going into New York and Georgia.
Sometimes the UI is the easiest way to do this because Google Ads Editor doesn't have the data. A bulk upload is not necessary if there’s less data.
9. Now we can give our insights. Go to the Analysis page and input your findings. I say “Indiana has the most cost.”
10. Share the spreadsheet and link it to the Analysis report.
And we are finished with Location Analysis.
The next tutorial in this series will work through Gender Analysis.
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Ted is the founder of TGQ Marketing a PPC, Analytics and CRO agency focused on client results.